Meeting milestones deserve a celebration! Seems obvious, right? But I know so many women who continue on with the grind and don’t take time to honor themselves when they accomplish their goals. We as womxn are not always taught to applaud our own hard work. It is totally appropriate to be in the spotlight- you […]

Take that Leap and Bet on Yourself | Atlanta Boudoir

I’m a lucky woman. I don’t mean that success has come easily to me, or that I always get a good parking spot. I feel lucky because I get to help phenomenal, everyday womxn in their self-love journey make substantial progress toward balance. So many of us pour everything we have into those around us, […]

I’m Pouring More Love Back into Myself | Atlanta Boudoir Testimonial

Sometimes when we enter a new phase in life, we go all in. We consume ourselves with the details of that role and perfectly nail it. And to have a singular passion is beautiful and noble. We as women always fully commit to a profession, family position, community, etc., and are the cornerstone of society. […]

I Want to be More than a Great Mom | Atlanta Boudoir

There is much to be said about the people you choose to surround yourself with. Your community is incredibly important, and should not be overlooked. If those around you act with self-love and courage, it becomes easier for you to blossom. As we flourish and grow, we must encourage other womxn to do the same. […]

We Must Encourage One Another | Atlanta Boudoir

Every year I do a photography project highlighting the beauty of aging. One of my biggest pet peeves is that society makes us feel that once we hit a certain age, our sexiness vanishes. My Over 40 campaign highlights incredible women over the age of 40, and every year they bring the fire. Our latest […]

Life is Too Short for Waiting | Atlanta Boudoir

I love photographing women on their empowerment journey, and I love it when their partner is all in on their growth. That’s real love; the supporting, long-lasting kind. It’s really incredible to capture the sensuality, joy, and magic of a special connection between two people. I’m always grateful for the opportunity to immortalize romantic love. […]

Stop Hesitating and Take a Chance | Atlanta Boudoir

Girl, when I tell you boudoir is transformative, I’m not just talking to talk. There are so many pressures that we deal with as women, and for so many of us, that has resulted in low self-esteem. When we don’t look like models, we write ourselves off as ugly and unworthy. It takes a long […]

I Had Forgotten How Fine I Am | Atlanta Boudoir

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that self-love can be f*ing hard. Some days it feels like a lot to push away all of the negativity coming in from all sides. But loving yourself is essential to living your best life. Miss T decided to commit to a boudoir session to help revamp her […]

I Decided to Embrace and Celebrate My Body | Atlanta Boudoir

If you’re considering a boudoir session, chances are you have gone through all the feelings. Curiosity? Definitely. Most of my clients are just getting into the boudoir world and have a whole bunch of questions for me. Excitement? Check! I hope you feel a fuzzy feeling in your tummy when you think about stepping in […]

It All Makes You Beautiful | Atlanta Boudoir

Sometimes when I’m talking to women who are thinking about doing a session, they’re hesitant because they feel like they don’t have a good reason to. Maybe they don’t have a birthday coming up or maybe they don’t have a partner, but boudoir isn’t about the external factors in your life. It’s all about YOU. […]

Do it For Yourself, Not Someone Else | Atlanta Boudoir

Because she exudes confidence and is unapologetically in love with herself. And nothing can get in her way.

Let’s capture your inner goddess